Tag Archives: earpieces

Gupta: Cell phones, brain tumors and a wired earpiece

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The world is filled with really cool, well written posts. Whenever you find one which catches your eye, you have to post it, well i do! so with permission of the original writer i have posted this so that you can get pleasure from

By Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent

Just about every time I use a cell phone, I plug in my wired earpiece first. Having discussed the use of earpieces on several news shows, people expect to see me using one. If I am walking around the CNN studios, my colleagues often comment on it. In airports, people will stop me in the rare cases I forget to use the earpiece, and remind me about it. Perhaps, they are intrigued because I am a neurosurgeon who openly shows some concern about cell phones. Continue reading Gupta: Cell phones, brain tumors and a wired earpiece