Playing Online A Lot? In Need Of A Decent Headset?

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Are you having trouble with hearing the insults being hurled at you when you play games online? Its bad enough that you’re being screamed at in a language you can barely comprehend, let alone when you can’t hear most of what’s being said.


The Internet has opened the world up to people in ways that would have been inconceivable just a few short decades ago. In bygone times, there would be no way for me to maintain complicated and close friendships with people who live thousands of miles away, but today? Today I maintain regular contact with distant relatives both at home and abroad.


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Whilst I was at University, I wrote a paper on the lack of accurate representation of first nations people in American media. As a British person, to compile the massive amount of data I used (which included interviews, up to date anthropological studies and historical anecdotes) would have been next to impossible without the Internet. I also befriended one of my interviewees and we have a friendship that continues to this day, despite never having met face to face. That’s just one of the many great things about the Internet.


Politically, the Internet has made it harder for the governments of the world to perform their usual scaremongering and war waging tactics (harder, but not impossible, sadly). In the past, the neighbouring countries of A and B never had contact with each other beyond killing each other over a piece of paper or some drunk diplomat’s off colour remarks every few years, but today, the people of A can exchange emails with the people of B and talk to them openly and frankly. This means that if the government of B tells its people that the citizens of A eat their own children, a quick email or Skype call can confirm whether or not this is the case. This might help to explain why they keep trying to censor the net? Perhaps freedom of speech makes a better theory than practice in their eyes?


Of course, its not all serious stuff like wars and University assignments, for much of the time, it’s the games that do the talking and playing together benefits from much the same sociological effects as a free ranging chat does. See? You’re not wasting your time, you’re saving the world, man.

This site is full of links to news, reviews and places to buy the very best headsets around. If you’re going to play collaboratively, then you really do need a top quality headset and if you want one of those, you’re certainly in the right place. With a new headset, you can explore the world in the most modern and up to date way, with all the cursing, belittling and trash talking intact. That has to be worth something, doesn’t it? Whatever, I’m off to kill some zombies.