Tag Archives: headphone

What is essentially the most resistant earphone product on the market?

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“Good music” said conductor Thomas Beecham in 1950 “is that which penetrates the ear with facility and quits the memory with difficulty.” It is the part about the ear that today’s audiophiles will most voluntarily gravitate to. We’re taking Mr. Beecham out of context somewhat, but the truth remains that we must properly hear music to be able to really love it.


earphone technology has come some distance since the days of the Walkman (remember those?) and also further since the appearance of 8-track. Whilst it could be argued that music itself has tumbled right into a downward spiral of mindless repetition and dim exercises in empty ‘cool’, it can’t be unnoticed that the facilities for being attentive to music on the go have improved a good deal. Continue reading What is essentially the most resistant earphone product on the market?